Joy Ride

My first time ever participated in Minted&West Elm Art Challenge on Big Stage 2017 by submitting my photography that were taken many scenes of outdoor life and nature in Florida. 

Joy Ride is one of my photography collection that I submit on the challenge.There are 2 photos;Joy Ride 1 and Joy Ride 2.The calming and soothing scenes of paddle broaders getting sets to slide on the beach at Saint Patersburg pier.

I am so grateful to win the Minted x West Elm Editor's Picks Awards as chosen by Minted and West Elm Council among 6,134 submissions from artists all over the world.

Word cannot describe how excited I am.I am so encouraged to create new arts and refine my own style.I can't say Thank You enough to and West Elm that give me an oppotunity to be a part of honoring artists on the big stage challenge.

**About the Challenge ; Minted x West Elm Art Challenge on the Big Stage 2017.It’s time, again, for one of most popular challenges of the year.Minted and West Elm are teaming up to put Minted’s independent artists on a big stage. 

The winner work could be seen by millions in West Elm stores, catalogs, and
online. Some of our most popular pieces come from this challenge each year, and www. look forward to seeing the great new artwork from artist community has in store this year.

In this challenge, both Minted and West Elm will select winning art prints. West Elm will
select 50 pieces from this challenge, and at least 10 of these pieces will be sold for a
period of time in a West Elm store or featured in one of West Elm’s catalogs.)